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Note: Electronic versions of papers are provided as a professional courtesy to ensure timely dissemination of academic work for individual, noncommercial purposes. Copyright (and all rights therein) resides with the respective copyright holders, as stated within each paper. These files may not be reposted without permission of the copyright holder.



Lee, D., Jiang, T., Crocker, J., & Way, B. (2023). Social Media Use and Its Concurrent and Subsequent Relation to a Biological Marker of Inflammation: Short-Term Longitudinal Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, e46309


Lee, D. S., Jiang, T., Crocker, J., & Way, B. M. (2023). Can inflammation predict social media use? Linking a biological marker of systemic inflammation with social media use among college students and middle-aged adults. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 112, 1-10.​

Browning, C. R., Ford, J. L., Tarrence, J., Kertes, D. A., Pickler, R. H., Way, B. M., & Calder, C. A. (2023). Everyday Perceptions of Safety and Racial Disparities in Hair Cortisol Concentration. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 153, 106088.

Jolink, T.A., Way, B.M., Younge, A., Oveis, Christopher, & Algoe, S.B. (2023). Everyday co-presence with a romantic partner is associated with lower C-reactive protein. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 107, 132-139.

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Madison, A.A., Way, B.M., Ratner, K., Renna, M.E., Andridge, R., Peng, J., Shrout, M.R., Sheridan, J., Lustberg, M., Ramaswamy, B., Wesolowky, R., VanDeusen, J.B., Williams, N.O., Sardesai, S.D., Noonan, A.M., Reinbolt, R.E., Stover, D.G., Cherian, M.A., Malarkey, W.B., Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K. (2023). Typhoid vaccine does not impact feelings of social connection or implicit or explicit social behavior in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial among middle-aged women. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 107, 124-131.


Lee, D.S. & Way, B.M. (2021). Social media use and systemic inflammation: The moderating role of self-esteem. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity – Health, 16, 100300.

Ford, J., Browning, C.R., Boch, S.J., Kertes, D., Tarrence, J., Way, B.M., & Schmeer, K. (2021). Racial and Economic Adversity Differences in Stress Markers and Immune Function among Urban Adolescents. Nursing Research, 70(5S Suppl1), S31-S42.

Way, B.M., Peters, E., & Keaveney, A. (2021). The need for studies of acetaminophen’s impact on risk-taking in daily life; reply to Ross and Holstege (2021). Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16(5), 539-540.

Madison, A.A., Way, B.M., Beauchaine, T.P., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K. (2021). Risk Assessment and  Heuristics: How Cognitive Shortcuts Can Fuel the Spread of COVID-19. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 94, 6-7.


Williams, D.P., Pandya, K.D., Hill, L.K., Kemp, A.H., Way, B.M., Thayer, J.F. & Koenig, J. (2019). Rumination Moderates the Association Between Resting High-Frequency Heart Rate Variability and Perceived Ethnic Discrimination. Journal of Psychophysiology, 33, 13-21.


Williams, D.P., Joseph, N., Hill, L.K., Sollers, J.J., Vasey M.W., Way, B.M., Koenig, J., & Thayer, J.F. (2017). Stereotype threat, trait perseveration, and vagal activity: evidence for mechanisms underpinning health disparities in Black Americans. Ethnicity and Health. 19, 1-18.


DeWall, C.N. and Way, B.M. (2014). A New Piece to Understanding the Intimate Partner Violence Puzzle: What Role Do Genetics Play? Violence Against Women, 20, 414-9.

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